Skill Building Workshops
Workshops are very interactive and are designed to meet the needs of the participants. Our upcoming program schedule will include core curriculum that presents a variety of life skills including balancing a check, filling out a FASFA application, exploring housing options, and distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Distance Learning
ILP’s Distance Learning Program is for youth who can not physically attend ILP workshops but would like to participate. Some reasons for participating in Distance Learning are as follows:
» Extra-curricular activities that overlap with ILP workshops
» Living too far away to attend/not having a ride to attend
» Missing a workshop series and would like to make up the curriculum
Contact us to learn more and to sign up for Distance Learning at 510-667-7696.
Get your driving journey started with ILP! Learn about the steps needed to get your driver’s license. This workshop is facilitated by Start Smart’s Officer Zeid. Join us in person or virtual (RSVP to receive the Zoom link). ILP-eligible youth get $25 for attending!
*This course is required to enter the ILP Driver’s School Program.*
ILP Event Calendar
Visit our calendar to see all of ILP’s upcoming events, workshops and offerings.